Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Topic 1 - Tasks 1-2

For the tasks that request blog replies...

1. "Psych Evaluation": <- Joking...I have a strange sense of humour.
I could honestly use improvement in all of the aforementioned areas. I have gotten ill quite frequently over the last year, and in turn that has made me miss a lot of school. I set too high of expectations for myself, and obviously I fall short which in turn discourages me from trying to succeed further. I suppose by that definition I am insane, because I do not seem to ever learn from my mistakes. As for "building healthy relationships" -- what, exactly, defines a particular relationship as "healthy" or "unhealthy?" I think everything is perception and therefore, subjective. Then again, that may just be my neurosis talking.

2. (Well, you guys completely skipped over your basic hygeine and health care related to good school performance and whatnot. Like, get a good night's sleep, a well-balanced breakfast, get all of your vaccinations...that sort of thing. Oh, and avoid Caffiene. Trust me. All it gives you are the jitters for awhile, then you crash and feel sick and tired all over again. It's a vicious cycle.)

By all of that, I meant that from my perception...PLC seriously lacks in the encouragement and management of good health department. We don't have any medical supplies should a student fall ill, except for a defibrillator and a First-Aid kit. No school nurse, no cafeteria (yet)...and I hope that when we move into the bigger school next term, the rumoured cafeteria will encourage and offer healthy eating choices. I am aware that part of the bigger picture and whole point of PLC is that it's an alternative educational environment for those who need and/or choose it. We have students with health problems all around, for example: pregnant young women, students afflicted with serious life-threatening chronic illnesses, etc etc. What I am trying to get at, is that PLC currently is seriously lacking in many seemingly basic additions that would make our school better, and in turn; help myself and my fellow students.

I didn't mean for that to sound like a rant...more like a serious concern of mine. As far as habits a good PLC student should have that weren't on the list mainly concern medical/health issues. Maybe I have a selective deafness, but while all of its teachers and staff are very nice and helpful...I still only ever seemed to hear them encouraging getting your credits so that you could get your diploma and graduate. A good PLC student is also, in my opinion; one who takes good care of both their mental and physical health. Generally, the aforementioned almost always leads to performing better in school.

This post is not, by any means; an attack on PLC itself, its staff members, or its students like myself. I want to make that very clear, and I hope I have.

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