Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Topic 2: Tasks 1-3

I. (I could not, for the life of me; figure out how to make edits/comments on my transcript itself in Adobe Reader...so I'll just have to post my responses to this blog instead. I'll attach a link to my transcript itself anyway.)

Mistakes On My Transcript:
-My final grade for American Government was listed as an 88, however I distinctly recall Mr. Girtz informing me that I made an A- (I think he said I got a 90, but no higher than a 92.) I could be wrong, however I am going to check on this...just in case.
-My final grade for US History wasn't even on my transcript. Not even the grade itself...the class, too. As though I had never taken it, however I did take that subject while I was homeschooled and made a very high grade (100). Mr. Hunter told me that, since I had several subjects I had already taken in homeschooling, if I chose to I could just go ahead with taking the EOCT for the subject in question. If I passed the EOCT, whatever grade I had for said subject on my homeschooling transcript would be the one that went onto my highschool transcript. I was in Ms. Siegmund's US History for awhile before being informed of this, and then immediately studied what I needed to before taking its EOCT. Which I passed. And was then dropped from the class.

Classes I'm currently enrolled in:
As of right now, I am only taking the courses Algebra 1B and the Service Learning class.

II. Ten Year Plan: Let's Think Ahead!

Where I Want To Be In 10yrs: A List by K. Ariel Isolde Meyer
I dream big. Why sink or swim when you can breathe underwater?

1. active/renowned member of the Parapsychological Association + actively (a paranormal investigator, we are often called "ghost hunters," but we look for much more actually) investigating in sites all around the US & eventually the world
2. accepted into Mensa International (it's a high-IQ society >.>;; Hey, I can dream. Who doesn't think that'd be an awesome accomplishment to stroke my ego?)
3. an alumni of any of my dream colleges (Sarah Lawrence College, Wesleyan University, Cornish College of the Arts, Amherst College, etc etc.)
4. in accordance w/ the above, hold degrees in parapsychology, & film/writing (english & literature related I suppose? +there are few accredited places that one can learn parapsych stuff AND recieve a degree in the aforementioned...so this will be difficult, but do-able.)
5. having produced my first in progress screenplay, and I want my film to be featured in the Sundance Film Festival or any other awesome indie filmfest. and win something.
6. healthy (physically/mentally) & recovered.
7. living somewhere awesome (France or Holland? NYC? I wish Hotel Chelsea still accepted long-term residents. Oh, the bohemian life. ;D) with a pretty house full of art and random collected stuff, and a garden...and lots of cats of course
8. maybe I'll be politically active, I don't know, that's more of an understated focus/portion of my works and intended deeds...but still there. my political beliefs and intentions, I mean.
9. Oh goodness, well, falling in love is a most wonderous yet distracting thing that coats everything one thinks and feels and does in some way. So. My goal is to NOT be married or something like that, or at least if I am...not let that person occupy my thoughts to such an extent that I and they seem to merge and I cannot remember where I begin and they end. It's a most dreadful place to be.
10. Number ten. I absolutely want to have already, or be in the process of; publishing some of my writings that are not film-related. I'm a poet, and also somewhat nifty with strange essays of many sorts that I'm quite proud of, plus short stories...and I think it'd be kind of neat to be a playwright, too. Film is my heart and everything, though. So that can come second, writing for the theatre's stage.

II. How-ever shall I do so many things at once? Well, I am not entirely sure. I have pondered and studied over such steps many-a-time, but alas I have come to few practical conclusions or a realistic pacing thereof. I know I love to learn, and I need my education which is very important to me...so college is necessary. I also need to find a sense of who I really am before I try and do any of these things, except write, because I haven't stopped since I fell in love with my found medium at last at nine years of age. I have many ideas as to what I should do after high school, directly after, and they all include taking some sort of time off before I go back to school and to write (since that's the main focus of my future/life/career, aside from the paranormal). You see, there are many, many holes in the story about my parents and their pasts, in my family's past, and in my own. Some of which have been purposefully hidden, some forgotten, and even more lost to history. I also have this sort of pull within me to escape Athens and find out (reassure myself?) that there's more to the world, and to me, than everything I have experienced. Most of which has had a lasting negative effect on me, and perhaps if I explore other territories, it will be good for me in general, spiritually, AND last but certianly not least: inspiration for my writing. I don't know if that answered the question, but I do know it certianly helped.

Since I have been unable to participate in the class's service learning activities, each time I am asked to discuss my experiences with service learning that week/so far...instead, I will write about why it is important to do these things, and include a new reason each time.
When I first began this post, we had begun to start planning our talent show/dinner fundraiser which would go toward feeding the homeless. Whilst planning events such as these, especially non-profit ones that are geared towards helping the community; it is really important that everyone involved take the project seriously and do their part. This applies to anyone doing that sort of thing alone, as well. It's easy to tell when a person involved doesn't really care about the project itself, and who it's going to benefit in the end.

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