Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Topic 4: Tasks 2, 4, & 5

II. I am mostly a Visual learner, with being an Auditory learner being a very close runner up. However, if the traits of both of the aforementioned that apply to me the most (while discarding the traits that don't at all) were combined, I could be classify myself as an Auditory-Visual learner, with a little Tactile/Kinesthetic thrown in.

IV. Plan of Action: Learning Styles Inventory
5 Ways Per Course I Could Improve My Performance Based On My Specific Learning Style

Algebra 1:
  • Increase the use of graphs, charts, and various other picture-aids. I will start applying this method immediately, & continue to do so as often as I remember until it becomes a habit.
  • (I already do this, but not as often as I should.) In my notes and coursework, use highlighters more often to indicate the most important things & basic ideas that I need to remember, focus on, and apply in practice with my coursework. This can be done easily: by keeping up with my highlighters and keeping my notes organised. I plan to apply this method as soon as/when I get some new highlighters, and will continue to do so as long as I manage to keep up with them, and again, until it becomes a habit (that I don't even have to think about, but just always do. )
  • (In the future, when I am back in a maths class taught by an actual teacher and not a computer) Pay close attention to (have a full view of) my teacher so that I don't miss anything important during a lesson. I plan to apply this method come next term, when I will be enrolled in Algebra II. As for how often... I will make sure to do this all of the time, during every class.
  • (In accordance with my strong Auditory Learner traits...) Don't daydream so much in class, because like the above, I could miss something important the teacher has said. If it is a particularly difficult lesson for me, I should acquire a tape recorder, so that I may go over what was said during the lesson later in case I missed anything, or forgot something that was said. (If tape recorders, and recording class lectures/lessons isn't against school policy that is...then I plan to start and stick to this plan as soon as my next maths class begins next term)
  • (Also in accordance with my strong traits as an Auditory Learner as well) Don't be too shy or aloof to ask questions if I don't understand something, and to discuss it aloud with the teacher present until I do. I need to work on my will to persevere no matter how hard a problem may seem, because in the past I have often just dismissed off Maths teachers upon hearing their explanations and advice after asking a question, because I would just give up too quickly on fully understanding the task at hand. No more. Again, I plan to put this into practice as soon as I am enrolled in my next maths course. As for how often, well...we'll see. It'll take a lot of work on my part to not give up so easily.
Service Learning:
  • (Similar to the aforementioned; in accordance with my Auditory Learner traits) Again, don't be reluctant to participate, speak up, ask questions, and voice my opinions during class in general, but especially during discussions and activities requiring teamwork. I need to do a lot of work on my ability to tolerate and work with people I may not like, to not let anything they may say that I do not like get to me, and my own self confidence regarding any ideas I may suggest for a group's project. I plan to put this into practice once I feel that I am ready, honestly. As for how often I plan to keep it up...well, that's a slippery slope. Good days, bad days, perseverance. I've heard that "gradually, then suddenly" is often how ones' journey to combat habits/problems that hinder them academically, or at all; happens.
  • (Back to my dominant Visual Learning Style traits) If a specific project, individual or group-based; is what's being planned and worked on...instead of just trying to visualise how all of it will go, I should jot down my ideas and whatever I'm seeing in my head that I can contribute to the project. By way of note-taking, drawn out maps/flow charts of the steps involved, plain brainstorming by doodling...etc. This way, I can keep up with my ideas both in a way that can be seen on paper by others involved, and my mind's eye. Unfortunately, I have been unable to participate in many of the class's activities, however I believe that the whole point of the class was to learn about how we as individuals could see ourselves in different careers, helping those in need (generally-speaking) and finding within ourselves the ability to enjoy connecting with/helping others and exploring their/different ways of life (or careers). Despite my setback of not being able to be present at the class's activities this spring, I have still learned a lot during the beginning of the quarter, and outside of school as well. Since I view a lot of the things I've learned as life skills, I plan to start trying to enforce the aforementioned method into personal projects as soon as possible, and stick to it.
  • (Auditory Learning) "Dictate to someone while they write your thoughts down" In the past, I've had to take on a leadership role in organising one of our SL class's previous events this quarter. Instead of overanalysing the part of a group leader I played in said event, and backing down from my responsibilities because they seemed overwhelming, I should break down big tasks into smaller, more doable pieces...and not take all responsibilities upon myself because I don't feel that people I'm working with will "measure up to my standards" and do their parts well. I plan to start taking on this method immediately, but I can't really conjure up a vision of frequency right now. In time, if I make an effort, hopefully it will become a habit that sticks.
  • (a touch on my few Kinesthetic Learning traits) "Take frequent (study) breaks." This is a need for me, aside from being constantly restless. In and outside of this class, that would help so that I could have a little time away to a. rest my mind and body for a bit so that I can return to working with more energy and/or b. have some time to myself to let formally discussed ideas soak in/be seriously considered, and allow for the flow of new ones. I plan to start this immediately as well, and do so each time I find the need and opportunity to do so whilst a project is in the making.
  • (one more Kinesthetic Learning trait suggestion) "Listen to music while you study (and etc.)" I don't do this often enough when it would truly be helpful, because not only can music be helpful in that it is relaxing, it can also be inspiring. I already put this method into practice, but now I plan to try to do so more often when it could really be helpful (for inspiration, etc.)

V. Service Learning/Volunteer opportunities are not about you. Yeah, it's nice and natural to get an ego-high off of something grand you've done by yourself...but in the end, that's not what it's about. It's about the all of the good contributions and accomplishments that people, that we; are capable of doing as a whole. It's about the people (or animals! etc.) whose lives we make a little brighter by working together, even if it's a one-time-only thing. We made a difference in their lives, we did something that truly matters. The credit does not go to one individual, it doesn't really go to anyone at all. When one individual shows us that Mankind is capable of doing anything less than pure evil, that's definitely something to write your local paper about. However, when a group of people together demonstrate this...that is realy something incredible.

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